Friday, September 3, 2010

Love at First Sight.

I was 10 years old then during our first meeting. 

Flashback....during one of the wedding where I was the ring bearer (unfortunately I did not get what I prayed be a flower girl. haha)

The reception for the wedding was at a beach resort a few meters away from my Lola. There were about a hundred people in the party, more than half of which I do not recognize or don't even care at all.I was playing hide and seek with my cousins with a few other children during the reception. We were at least 10. One of my cousin became the "it" and started counting.

" One...two...three"

All nine of us went and ran to find a hiding place. I looked around and saw a bush nearby.

"Perfect" I thought.

I hid there and since I small, I fit perfectly well behind the thick bush. I was really keeping low making sure that I would not be seen. I ducked my head but I cannot contain myself from looking around. I slowly raised my head...then...

We met each other face to face. I saw the tanned yet smooth skin placed in between the leaves of the bushes. I was mesmerized. It was my first time to see such a marvel. The sweat seems to glisten when struck by the beam of light from the sun.

The moment seemed perfect as I cannot keep myself from staring at a marvel before my very eyes. So this is how it feels to feel in Love at first sight. You have butterflies in your stomach, blood rushing through your fast beating heart and the picture playing over and over your brain.

I really cannot forget that moment...My first real encounter of

The penis of a man!

Huge, hot and mesmerizing.

Damn! It must have been love at first sight because I have been addicted to it since then.



  1. Okay ha. Medyo na-windang lang ako ng konti. Konti lang naman. Hahaha.

  2. @Fickle cattle:

    Ako pre hindi lang windang, major major nag tumbling at split pagkatapos. hahaha

    thanks pre. add kita sa mga links ko ha.
